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Chimney Draft and Smoking Problems

The last thing you want this winter is a drafty chimney. It can waste heated air and fuel, cost you dearly in heating bills, and even lead to health issues that can affect your family. If your chimney is smoky or drafty, there is usually a reason why–a problem to be solved–and we can help. Calling a chimney professional is your first step to a well-working chimney system, a warm hearth, and a safe fire. Chief Chimney Services is the #1 choice for comprehensive chimney care in Suffolk County and beyond. We can help diagnose your chimney problems and even help you troubleshoot by phone.

How the Chimney WorksWe can help with chimney drafting and smoking issues

Constant airflow keeps your chimney working correctly. For a fire to burn it must have fuel and oxygen. The fuel is the wood, pellets, or gas and the oxygen is drawn from the home. Some appliances draw air and vent air through a wall. These units will not have smoke or drafting issues because they’re closed units.A traditional fireplace with a draft issues will be difficult to light, keep lit, or will be very smoky. Oftentimes, homeowners can troubleshoot a smoky fireplace themselves, but when it can’t be fixed, it’s time to call a professional.

Common Causes for a Smoky Chimney

1. A Faulty Damper
It may be that your damper is just in the wrong position. However, if you’re using the damper correctly and your fireplace is still smoky, it may be damaged. The damper is made of metal and will rust and deteriorate over time. It can also become clogged with creosote and soot that keeps it from working properly. If the damper is engaged and the fire is burning, the smoke and carbon monoxide is not able to vent properly and can lead to serious health concerns and even death. Let the damper be the first thing you check and schedule a repair right away!
2. Green or “Wet” Firewood
Your firewood should be properly seasoned before burning. Properly seasoned firewood is wood that has been cut and stored for 3 to 6 months before being burned. It is easier to light, burns more completely, and burns warmer than wet wood. If you burn wood that isn’t properly seasoned, it will undoubtedly produce more smoke than heat. That means the heat is not enough to carry the smoke up the chimney.
3. A Neglected Flue
Your chimney will not work as well when it isn’t cleaned on a regular basis. Failing to schedule regular sweeps will allow soot and creosote to build-up in the flue system, slowing airflow, and causing smoke to stall in the system where it cools and falls back into the fireplace. If your chimney isn’t cleaned before burn season, it may also have debris in it that can slow airflow and even ignite a fire in the system.

The problem that causes your fireplace to smoke may be a serious construction issue. The flue may be sized incorrectly, the chimney may be too tall, and there may be serious damage that prevents the draft from working properly. Don’t assume you know the problem. Call the professionals who have seen it all.

Call on Chief Chimney Services at 631-863-2460.

By John Pilger on November 30th, 2018 | Tagged with: Tags: , , | Comments Off on Chimney Draft and Smoking Problems

Correcting Draft Issues

A draft in a literal sense means to “draw” or to “pull”, which is why the selective service is called a draft. When your chimney is having a drafting issue, it means the chimney system is not able to properly and effectively pull air through the chimney and out of the house. The chimney should be working constantly when a fire is burning in the fireplace. That means there is constant airflow pulling the heat, smoke, and other gases out of the chimney and home. A smoky chimney is the first indication of a draft issue. Unfortunately, there are many reasons for a draft issue–some may be simple, quick fixes, and others may be more serious.Correcting Draft Issues - Suffolk NY - Chief Chimney Services

The Wrong Wood

The number one cause of simple draft problems is that you’re burning the wrong firewood. Good wood is properly seasoned, meaning it has been cut and stored to dry before it is burned. “Green” or wet wood has too much water inside and has to work harder to burn. It will be more difficult to light, will burn with less heat, require more wood to reach a desired temperature, burn incompletely, produce more ashes, and be smokier. A great way to check to see if this is the problem with your chimney is to build and light a fire with properly seasoned firewood.

A Competing Draft

Other large systems in the home, such as the central air and heating system, can interfere with your fireplace. Your home may also be so tight that it is impossible for the chimney to pull air from the house. In order for the chimney to pull air out of the house, more air must be pulled into the house to keep airflow going. Otherwise your home becomes a vacuum, and the air will not flow. This problem can be quickly checked and remedied by cracking a window in the house to allow air in.

A Dirty Chimney

When the chimney system is coated in soot and creosote, the efficiency drops because airflow slows down. If the air cannot travel up and out of the chimney, the result will be a smoky fireplace. You can solve this problem by scheduling a chimney sweep. Schedule now, and you can avoid the fall rush. You may also find that the smoky problems from last season aren’t present this year!

Chimney Sizing

Believe it or not, the size of the chimney matters–a lot. If the chimney is too tall or short, the smoke will not rise up and out. Instead, it will fall into the living room the next time you open your damper. If the flue isn’t sized correctly, if the smoke chamber isn’t the right size, or if the smoke shelf isn’t large enough, then you will have a smoke problem.

Chimney Damage

Damage to the liner can slow air flow and cause a draft issue. You should have annual chimney inspections to insure you that all the seen and unseen portions of the chimney system are in proper working order. This means that your smoky chimney does not have a complicated solution. If your chimney is in ship-shape, then the problem is simple and can likely be resolved through troubleshooting.

Still unsure what to do with your chimney? Call Chief Chimney Services at 631-863-2460.

By John Pilger on September 14th, 2018 | Tagged with: Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Correcting Draft Issues

Eliminating Smoke Chamber Draft Problems

When your chimney isn’t working properly, there could be a hundred reasons why! Many of the problems with a chimney are hidden, so they’re not only hard to catch, but impossible to diagnose. If your system has a draft problem and you’ve troubleshooted on your own, a professional should be your next call. An experienced technician may start by checking your smoke chamber–a common site for draft problems.Eliminating Smoke Chamber Draft Problems - Suffolk, NY - Chief Chimney Services

What is the Smoke Chamber?

The space above the firebox and at the base of the flue is called the smoke chamber. It is the area where the smoke and heat mix so it can rise up the flue and leave the home. The smoke chamber has a very specific shape and size for efficiency. It should have a smoke shelf which prevents the smoke from falling back into the fireplace and into the home. It also has a slanted wall which funnels the smoke into the flue.

Common Smoke Chamber Problems

The smoke chamber endures high temperatures and corrosive chemicals on a constant basis while a fire burns in the fireplace. The walls and smoke shelf can become coated in soot and creosote. Soot can deteriorate the masonry inside the smoke chamber and can lead to dangerous carbon monoxide leaks and draft issues that drop efficiency and raise fire risk.

As the draft slows and the air stalls in the smoke chamber, more creosote and soot will build up in the system, particularly in the smoke chamber. As the buildup occurs, it will only worsen over time. A damaged smoke chamber should be repaired as soon as damage is apparent in order to avoid serious danger and costly damage.

Choose the Professionals

When it’s time to have your chimney system inspected, cleaned, or repaired, you should trust the professionals. All the technicians at Chief Chimney Services are CSIA-certified, having completed classroom and field training to offer the best services to our customers in and around Suffolk County, New York.

A Chief Chimney Services sweep can inspect your smoke chamber, paying close attention to the shape of the space as well as the smoothness of the walls. If the refractory mortar has become damaged, the bricks may be exposed, and their corners catching creosote and soot, slowing airflow and leading to a buildup. Your chimney sweep may recommend a smoke chamber parge in which the walls are smoothed, masonry is properly insulated, and space is properly sized for optimal efficiency.

Scheduling your chimney inspection today will ensure there is time to make the necessary repairs before the fall. The first fire of the season is just around the corner, and you don’t want to use a smoky or dangerous fireplace. Call Chief Chimney Services today and schedule an assessment or repair with a professional today. Call 631-863-2460 or schedule online.

By John Pilger on August 30th, 2018 | Tagged with: Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Eliminating Smoke Chamber Draft Problems

Resolving Chimney Smoke and Drafting Problems

Your chimney should work for you. Like other systems in your home, you may take it for granted until it doesn’t work. Your chimney will work fine for a long time, venting your fire as it should, smoke escaping out the top of the flue. As long as it’s working, many homeowners don’t worry about scheduling routine services. The biggest thing to remember about the chimney system, however, is that when it works, it’s good. When it doesn’t work, it’s very bad.Resolving Chimney Smoke & Drafting - Suffolk NY - Chief Chimney

Dangers of a Smoky Fireplace

If you find that your fireplace smokes when you’re lighting the fire, especially in a cold chimney, it’s not a huge deal. If a little smoke escapes your stove when you open it to load in more wood, that isn’t a huge deal. When you have a persistent smoke issue and the damper is in the open position, it’s a problem. When the smoke pushes into your room consistently, and visibly, you have a problem. Your inefficient chimney isn’t just a fire hazard at this point. It’s also a hazard to your health.


Sometimes a smoky fireplace is a simple problem with a simple solution. If the chimney is cold, it can be difficult for the smoke to rise up the chimney. If the fire is hot and has been burning for an hour or more, this is likely not the issue. It may be that you have a draft problem, meaning your house is too tightly sealed and cannot draw air from it to create a draft. If this is the issue, it can be resolved simply by cracking a window or opening a door on an opposite side of the house. Other appliances may also interfere with the chimney’s draft. You may also try shutting these off to see if there is a difference in the chimney’s performance.

If you have tried troubleshooting with no luck, are burning dry, seasoned wood, and your damper is in the correct position, and you still have a smoky fireplace, it’s time to call a professional.

Chief Chimney Services Offers Diagnostic Inspections

At Chief Chimney Services, the safety and comfort of our customers in Suffolk County is our #1 priority. Fire is not the only safety concern when it comes to fireplaces. Smoke inhalation can cause respiratory issues over time, sudden respiratory distress in asthmatics, and carbon monoxide poisoning in people of all ages. If you think you or a family member has inhaled too much smoke, seek medical attention.

If you haven’t resolved your smoky chimney/fireplace yourself, you can count on Chief Chimney Services. One of our technicians will come in and assess the entire chimney system for failing parts. It may be a simple issue that was overlooked during construction or something that occurred over time. If it’s a chimney sizing issue, it can be resolved with a new, appropriately-sized liner. We can replace it if it’s a faulty damper. If there is a solution to your chimney problem, the Chief can resolve it.

Contact Us

Call Chief Chimney Services to handle your smoky fireplace in Suffolk County. Call 631-863-2460, or schedule online.

By John Pilger on February 26th, 2018 | Tagged with: Tags: , , | Comments Off on Resolving Chimney Smoke and Drafting Problems

FAQ: Smoke and Draft Problems

As a homeowner you want your fireplace or stove to be an efficient heating system. If you have noticed a smoke or draft problem, then your heat system is probably not working correctly. This means the gases aren’t rising fast enough through the chimney. The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) mentions 100 reasons your fireplace doesn’t work and most of them could be brought back to smoke and draft problems.

FAQ Smoke and Draft Problems - Smithtown NY - Chief Chimney

What Causes Smoke and Draft Problems?

The cause of a smokey chimney can be as simple as a household appliance competing with the chimney’s ventilation or the house being too tight for the gases to vent. It can be more tricky than this sometimes, however.

For instance, if a chimney is leaky or dirty, the smoke can be obstructed and won’t rise as fast. This can be a fire hazard, because the debris left on the walls of an unclean chimney is highly flammable. When the gases and smoke from the fire rise too slowly, the heat can ignite this debris called creosote.

This can also be a problem if proper wood isn’t being burned in the fireplace or appliance. If wood isn’t properly seasoned it won’t burn completely, causing more debris buildup, and causing the smoke to rise too slowly.

What Does it Mean?

If your chimney is releasing smoke into your home you may experience health hazards such as a range of asthmatic symptoms, cough, itchy eyes, and even hospitalization. It also means your chimney is less efficient, and a possible fire hazard.

What Can I do if I Suspect a Problem?

If your chimney system is less efficient or if you have a smoke problem, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® (CCS). An experienced chimney sweep should be able to diagnose a problem and recommend a fix. As a homeowner you should remember to schedule regular cleanings and annual inspections of your chimney. Having your chimney swept is an important factor in chimney safety and efficiency.

How Can We Fix it?

A professional not only can diagnose your chimney smoke and draft problems, but can also make the necessary repairs to get your system back to highest safety and efficiency. At Chief Chimney Services we are experienced in repairing smokey chimneys for problems ranging from: flue obstructions, creosote buildup, improperly-functioning damper, poorly-designed fireplace, airtight homes, and competing appliances.

The most important thing a homeowner can do is to schedule an appointment with a certified professional who will offer professional services and expert advice. When you depend on your fireplace for home heat during the winter, you want it to be efficient and safe. Don’t wait to make an appointment to have your smokey chimney diagnosed today.

By John Pilger on May 6th, 2016 | Tagged with: Tags: , , | Comments Off on FAQ: Smoke and Draft Problems

Troubleshooting Fireplace Draft Problems

When you need your heating appliances, you expect them to work and it can be frustrating when things aren’t operating properly. If you notice your fireplace is drafty, it could be a simple fix, or it could mean you need to make some repairs. Troubleshooting fireplace draft problems involves understanding how your fireplace and chimney work, and how to prevent your warm air from escaping. No matter what the issue may be, it is best to start with a professional chimney sweeping and inspection.


Has Your Fireplace Been Swept?

Make sure your chimney has been properly swept and inspected. A certified and reputable chimney sweeping company like Chief Chimney Services, Inc in Suffolk can help make sure your chimney is cleaned and inspected before troubleshooting additional problems. Once your chimney has been properly inspected and swept you can move on to troubleshooting additional causes for a draft.

A thorough chimney cleaning can also remove excess build-up of creosote, which can coat the flue. When the flue can’t open and close effectively, it can lead to a draft in your fireplace. Again, a regular sweeping of your chimney and fireplace can remove creosote and other debris to make sure all the moving parts of your chimney are working.

Using Your Fireplace Correctly

Many fireplace issues are corrected with some simple knowledge on how to operate your wood-burning appliance. Make sure your damper is closed when not in use to prevent cold air from pushing down your chimney. During the colder winter months, it may be necessary to prime the flue by lighting some newspaper and holding it up to the damper to warm it up before you start your fire. In other cases, you may need to clean and replace any connectors that go from the fireplace or woodstove to the chimney. Once you seal all the leaks, you can move on to other possible causes of your chimney draft.

Preventing Downdrafting

During colder weather, the most common cause of a drafty fireplace is a downdraft. A downdraft occurs when cold air blows across your chimney and eventually down your chimney and through your fireplace. Counteract the downdraft by replacing your chimney cap and making sure it is installed properly. Similarly, a chimney cap and proper damper use can prevent The Stack Effect, when the warm air from inside your home battles with the cold external air, which can cause a draft.

A professional chimney inspection company will help determine other causes of drafts including whether or not your chimney is leaky, which may mean you need some masonry repair. Your certified chimney inspection company can also inspect your damper and any stovepipe connectors that may need to be replaced. Many newer homes are built airtight, which makes fixing a drafty fireplace as easy as installing a chimney cap or closing the damper. However, in older homes masonry repair may be required. In either case, hiring a professional chimney inspector can alleviate your worries and fix your draft problem in on easy step. Contact Chief Chimney Services to fix your drafty fireplace today.

Dealing with Draft Problems in Your Chimney

Perhaps you were never able to use your fireplace, or you used to, but it started backing up smoke into the house. When the smoke and hot air fails to escape through the flue, your fireplace and chimney are said to be experiencing drafting problems. A wide variety of issues can lead to drafting problems, and oftentimes, they completely baffle and frustrate homeowners.


One easily resolved cause of smoke back up is a closed damper. The damper assembly acts as a door to allow smoke and hot air to escape through the flue when a fire is burning and to keep the furnace-heated air inside from escaping when the fireplace is not in use. If the damper stays closed during a fire, the smoke has nowhere to go except into the house.

Another common drafting problem is an obstructed flue. Animals like birds, raccoons, or squirrels seek out the warmth and safety of the chimney during cold, winter months. These animals and their nests will partially or completely block off the flow of smoke through the flue. A chimney service can install a chimney cap for an affordable price to prevent animals from nesting in the flue.

An obstructed flue can also be caused by the buildup of creosote, a tarlike compound created by burning wood. A health threat in and of itself, creosote also builds up inside the flue and may eventually seal it completely. To prevent this and the other dangers of creosote, have a mason sweep your chimney at least once every year.

Your chimney can also experience drafting problems when the firebox and flue do not fit together properly. The size of the flue compared to the size of the firebox should follow a 10:1 ratio, meaning that for every 10 square inches of firebox, there should be 1 square inch of flue opening. If the flue size cannot accommodate the volume of smoke produced by the fire, the smoke will back up into the house.

Additionally, the flue should be positioned deep inside the firebox, and the fire should be built as far back as possible. If the fire sits too close to the interior opening of the firebox, it will never have a chance to enter the flue before seeping into the house instead. This could become an issue if the firebox was installed improperly or if it was not manufactured according to fire safety codes. A mason can help you make the right choice in addressing this issue.

If you want to use your fireplace again and keep you and your family safe, get in touch with an expert to help you address any issues. If you live in the Suffolk County area of Long Island, New York, contact Chief Chimney Services, Inc. for a professional consultation. Get your fireplace back today!

By John Pilger on September 15th, 2014 | Tagged with: Tags: , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Dealing with Draft Problems in Your Chimney

Smoking & Draft Problems

Where Is All This Smoke Coming From?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to smoke and draft problems in the home. The most common contributors are related to inadequate air flow. When your chimney’s air flow is restricted, smoke will not be able to properly and completely exit through the chimney system. As a result, you may have a backflow of smoke into your home and air supply. Smoke can stain your furniture and walls and can be extremely harmful to your health. There are a number of things that can affect the air flow in your chimney system including flue obstructions, creosote buildup, a closed or damaged damper, improper sizing of the fireplace, poor design, the airtightness of your home, and competing appliances.

  • Flue Obstructions – If your chimney lacks a cap and crown, or if either of these is deteriorating, animals and environmental debris can gain access to your chimney system. Oftentimes, animals will nest inside of a chimney because it seems like a warm, safe, and sturdy place to raise a family. Not only does this nesting create smoke problems and inefficiency problems, it is also a fire hazard. Without a professional inspection, it is nearly impossible to know if your flue has an obstruction of any kind.
  • Creosote Buildup – Creosote is a natural byproduct of wood-burning, and typically settles on the interior surface of the chimney. Overtime, this accumulation thickens and can greatly reduce air flow within the chimney. Creosote is also a highly-flammable material and should be regularly removed for your safety and the safety of your home.
  • A Closed or Improperly-Functioning Damper – Sometimes the cause of smoke problems is a simple one such as a closed or broken damper. A damper acts as a door between your home and your chimney opening and is used to control the amount of air flowing into your fireplace. If your damper is closed or damaged when you use your fireplace, smoke will be trapped and forced to come back into your home.
  • Improper Sizing Of The Fireplace/Poor Design – If your fireplace was not designed with the size of your flue in mind, you may experience problems with smoke in your home. When your fireplace is too big for the flue, it takes in more air than the flue can expel. As a result, excess smoke will not be able to make it out of the chimney fast enough and will seep back into your home or settle as creosote.
  • Air-Tight Homes – Most modern homes are built airtight for efficiency, which can deprive the chimney of the air that it needs to properly flush smoke out. In homes where this is the cause of smoke problems, an outdoor air source can be installed into the fireplace to help feed air into the home.
  • Competing Appliances – Sometimes, your chimney may be starved of air because it is competing with a fan elsewhere in the house. This can trap smoke and even draw it back into the home. You may want to try turning off all bathroom and kitchen fans and dryers while utilizing your fireplace.

What Are You Burning?

Another factor to consider when dealing with a smoke problem is the type of wood you’re burning. If you are burning wood with a high moisture content, the excess moisture will take on the form of excess smoke. If you need wood supply recommendations, we would be happy to help you out!

Click here to schedule an appointment online.


At Chief Chimney Services, we are qualified to clean out your dryer vent systems making you and your family safer and healthier. Call us today for help with this dryer vent service.

By John Pilger on May 14th, 2013 | Tagged with: | Comments Off on Smoking & Draft Problems

Bellfire and Rumford Chimney Installations

Chief Chimney Services doesn’t stop at chimney care and maintenance. We also install chimneys with expert care and professionalism! Specifically, we specialize in installing the brands we sell and the brands we love—Rumford and Bellfire.

Expert Chimney InstallationChimney being serviced by man on roof

Not all chimneys are constructed of brick and mortar and not all stoves have a stovepipe like something you would imagine from a Little House on the Prairie episode. It’s important to hire only a certified professional to complete chimney installations. We at Chief Chimney Services take care to learn the ins and outs of installation, care, and maintenance, as well as federal, state, and community fire safety codes. When you hire Chief Chimney Services for your install, you can rest assured your system will be ready for use when you need it this fall.

  • Rumford Fireplace Installation – The fireplace is usually the focal point of any space, but the Rumford Fireplace is even more stately and beautiful than others. These units are specially designed with radiant heat in mind and should be installed according to the manufacturer’s specifications for long life and proper use. They fit nicely in modern homes due to their large, open-hearth designs. When you choose a Rumford fireplace, your fire will be less smoky because the deep firebox and streamlined throat design directs the smoke directly up the flue. A professional installation means a flue that is sized exactly for your fire’s capacity and drafting issues will be a thing of the past.
  • Bellfire Fireplace Installation – Designed in the same way as Rumford fireplaces, Bellfires are constructed in pre-cast pieces and allow for an easier, quicker, and less labor-intensive installation which means less money on the part of the homeowner. The Rumford design which utilizes angles to reflect heat into the room from the back of the fireplace is accomplished with ceramic, lined in foil. This protects combustibles in the home and helps the fire burn completely, raising efficiency and safety. These fireplaces are so efficient that the flue doesn’t have to be as large, so installation is easier and more cost-efficient.

These fireplaces are larger than life, but while the design itself uses a large fireplace opening for optimum heating, you can still have a Bellfire fireplace no matter the size of your space. We can even install a Bellfire fireplace into an existing masonry or metal firebox. If you’re looking to upgrade your old fireplace for efficiency, ask one of our professionals about a Bellfire fireplace today.

Chief Chimney Services specializes in historic homes and chimneys, and Rumford and Bellfire fireplaces are beautiful in any historic home in our area. Not only that but if your historic fireplace is not in great shape, we can install a Bellfire in your damaged fireplace, restoring it to safe and proper function. Our technicians are CSIA certified and ready to take your call.

As summer turns to fall, we love to bring fire into the homes of our customers and friends. Call us today at 631-863-2460 or contact us online.

By John Pilger on September 26th, 2019 | Tagged with: Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Bellfire and Rumford Chimney Installations

Save Energy & Money with an Energy Top Damper

Every year, homeowners look for ways to cut costs, save money, and improve the look of the bottom line. You might look to improve the value of your property, maybe refinance for a lower interest rate. Maybe all you want is a cheaper electricity bill. No matter what your goal is, we can help. Your chimney and fireplace system can save you money, and the solution is simpler than you could guess.

Throat Dampers

diagram of a homeMost masonry chimneys have a throat damper installed at the base of the flue. These dampers control airflow while a fire is burning in the firebox, but they do nothing against drafts. Because of the material, it’s made of (metal) and its location (the throat of the chimney), the throat damper is susceptible to damage including rust and corrosion over time. Instead of replacing your damaged throat damper with another one like it, consider a top seal damper—one that lasts longer and saves you money!

Top Seal Damper

The top seal damper is also called an energy top damper because of the incredible money it saves for homeowners. We recommend it to everyone because of the many benefits it offers.

  • Airtight seal – The top seal damper closes with an airtight seal, which prevents water from entering the flue at all. This is the most protection that you can possibly give your chimney. The airtight seal not only prevents water damage, but it also stops air loss that wastes energy and money. As soon as you install an energy top damper, you will start to save up to 75 percent on your utilities year-round. Your conditioned air will not escape during the summer and your heated air will not be wasted during the winter.
  • Chimney cap – Your energy top damper doubles as a chimney cap, with a metal mesh that prevents animal intrusion and extinguishes sparks. Acting as a chimney cap, the energy top damper will also keep all types of precipitation out of the chimney flue.
  • Easy installation and use – The energy top damper is as easy to install as a standard chimney cap and just as easy to use as a throat damper. The damper is engaged by a cord that reaches from the damper to the hearth opening. When the fire is completely out, the damper can be closed to protect the chimney completely. Closing the damper while a fire is still smoldering can be very dangerous. Make sure to follow fire safety precautions at all times.

Invest in Energy Top Damper

When it’s time to replace your old, worn-out throat damper, call Chief Chimney Services for the best products and services. We recommend an energy top dampers for the best care of your chimneys. They save you money and help your chimney to last a lifetime. Invest in an energy top damper now and you can save money in repairs and services later. Call 631-863-2460 to schedule an appointment with Chief Chimney Services. Ask one of our experts about energy top dampers today!

By John Pilger on August 14th, 2019 | Tagged with: Tags: , , | Comments Off on Save Energy & Money with an Energy Top Damper