FAQ: Smoke and Draft Problems
As a homeowner you want your fireplace or stove to be an efficient heating system. If you have noticed a smoke or draft problem, then your heat system is probably not working correctly. This means the gases aren’t rising fast enough through the chimney. The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) mentions 100 reasons your fireplace doesn’t work and most of them could be brought back to smoke and draft problems.
What Causes Smoke and Draft Problems?
The cause of a smokey chimney can be as simple as a household appliance competing with the chimney’s ventilation or the house being too tight for the gases to vent. It can be more tricky than this sometimes, however.
For instance, if a chimney is leaky or dirty, the smoke can be obstructed and won’t rise as fast. This can be a fire hazard, because the debris left on the walls of an unclean chimney is highly flammable. When the gases and smoke from the fire rise too slowly, the heat can ignite this debris called creosote.
This can also be a problem if proper wood isn’t being burned in the fireplace or appliance. If wood isn’t properly seasoned it won’t burn completely, causing more debris buildup, and causing the smoke to rise too slowly.
What Does it Mean?
If your chimney is releasing smoke into your home you may experience health hazards such as a range of asthmatic symptoms, cough, itchy eyes, and even hospitalization. It also means your chimney is less efficient, and a possible fire hazard.
What Can I do if I Suspect a Problem?
If your chimney system is less efficient or if you have a smoke problem, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® (CCS). An experienced chimney sweep should be able to diagnose a problem and recommend a fix. As a homeowner you should remember to schedule regular cleanings and annual inspections of your chimney. Having your chimney swept is an important factor in chimney safety and efficiency.
How Can We Fix it?
A professional not only can diagnose your chimney smoke and draft problems, but can also make the necessary repairs to get your system back to highest safety and efficiency. At Chief Chimney Services we are experienced in repairing smokey chimneys for problems ranging from: flue obstructions, creosote buildup, improperly-functioning damper, poorly-designed fireplace, airtight homes, and competing appliances.
The most important thing a homeowner can do is to schedule an appointment with a certified professional who will offer professional services and expert advice. When you depend on your fireplace for home heat during the winter, you want it to be efficient and safe. Don’t wait to make an appointment to have your smokey chimney diagnosed today.