Why Hire CSIA Certified Sweeps?

Now is the time to prepare your chimney system for winter. A properly maintained chimney will work safely and efficiently for you, last longer, and cost you less in repairs and heated air loss. When you schedule important appointments like your chimney sweep and inspection, you should be sure to hire a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep (CCS).CSIA certified

CSIA Certification and Training

It’s important to us that chimney and fire systems in our communities of Suffolk County, Long Island are maintained properly so that the frequency of accidental fires is less each year. We believe that one fire is too many, and we do our part by educating the public about chimney safety and offering important services that keep the fireplaces and chimneys in our area as safe as possible. Our professional training and CSIA certification help us to be the best and offer our customers the best chimney sweeps have to offer.

Our CSIA certification means that we spent hours in classroom and field training, completed and passed a 3-hour examination, and we are knowledgeable and experienced in diagnostics and fire safety standards nationwide. As CSIA certified sweeps we are part of a network of industry professionals that help each other and the public bring down the number of fires affecting our communities. We also adhere to a strict Code of Ethics designed to keep homeowners safe from potential scams. Any CSIA member found in violation of this code can have their credentials revoked. In addition to initial certification, we also re-certify as CSIA certified chimney sweeps every three years either by re-examination or continuing education credits. This means our education never stops because this industry never stops changing. Technologies and advancements in diagnostics, repairs, and products mean that we have to continuously learn our trade.

Choosing the Right Professional

When you’re searching for the right chimney professional to get your chimney in shape for fall, look no further than the experts at Chief Chimney Services. We service a wide swath of Long Island zip codes and if you’re not in our service area we will try our best to find someone to service your system. Our priority is safety and comfort this season, and maintenance now means safety later. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFP), the safest and most efficient chimney systems are those that are cleaned regularly and inspected annually. If your system hasn’t been serviced yet and you’re looking to use it this fall, call Chief Chimney Services today. We offer routine preventative services, inspections, repairs, installations, and general diagnostics.

If you own or rent in the Suffolk County area, you can reach a chimney and fire expert at 631-863-2460 or make an appointment online.

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