Prepare for April Showers – ChimneySaver
Winter is almost over, and the wet and raining, spring days are around the corner. In Suffolk County, you can expect “April showers” to begin in March and last until May. Any chimney damage that has occur this winter will put your chimney at risk for water damage in the spring. Protect your masonry from spring rains by getting a chimney waterproofing with ChimneySaver.
ChimneySaver Saves Chimneys

ChimneySaver is the leader in chimney protection. It has been the chosen company for water-based water repellents for over 20 years. At Chief Chimney Services, we trust ChimneySaver products for their amazing results. This water-based repellent we use for the chimneys of our customers can reduce water penetration by 99.9 percent.
Unlike similar products you find in your local home improvement stores, this repellent is 100 percent vapor permeable. Instead of trapping moisture and gases inside the masonry with a rubbery seal, ChimneySaver water repellent covers the masonry in a vapor permeable membrane. This allows gas and heat to escape, but it also keeps water molecules from getting in. This keeps water from entering your chimney to cause all kinds of damages, cracks, and gaps.
Water-Base V. Solvent-Base
The most popular and oldest solution from ChimneySaver is the water-based solution. However, when other water repellents have been previously used on your chimney, we recommend solvent-based products for your chimney. This works to reverse the rubbery-like seal the previous repellent has created. Using a vapor-permeable product means your chimney can continue to work properly while water is kept out.
ChimneySaver water repellent comes with a 10-year warranty, and it is 100 percent vapor permeable. It won’t change the look of your masonry at all either, while protecting it from efflorescence and stains, mildew and fungus. It also protects your masonry from the freeze/thaw damage, and it is also environmentally friendly.
Get a Chimney Waterproofing from Chief
This product takes two hours to dry, and it needs six hours to dry before rainfall. It’s best to look at the forecast before making your appointment. You will also have to discontinue use of your chimney 24 hours before an appointment. If you’re unsure about when to schedule a waterproofing services, contact Chief Chimney Services. We can help you find the best time and determine the actions that need to be taken for your system.
At Chief Chimney Services, we can fix it all. We do whatever it takes to keep water out of your chimney and to keep your chimney working safely and efficiently. If your chimney is showing signs of water damage, contact our professionals at 631-863-2460 or schedule online before the wet season!