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Elements Of A Perfect Chimney System

Your chimney is designed to last a lifetime. Ideally, it will last as long as your house stands. However, this is only possible if it is properly constructed, maintained, and used.Perfect Chimney System Elements - Suffolk NY - Chief Chimney Services

Your Chimney System

Your chimney has one job: to vent your fire. A fire, no matter what type of fuel it burns, will release byproducts as it burns. These need to be vented out of the home. This protects the house from smoke saturation, added moisture, and health risks. In order for all of the many parts of the chimney system to work correctly, there are factors that need to be in place.

Proper Construction

Your chimney should have been constructed by a CSIA certified chimney sweep. A general contractor doesn’t have the training or knowledge of chimney science to design and build a chimney. Especially one that will vent properly, stand as long as it should, and withstand high heat.

  • Design and Function
    In order for your chimney to vent properly, it should be built specifically for the size of the fireplace. A chimney that is too tall or wide will not vent properly because the air will cool before it escapes through the opening, leaving the soot, creosote, and unburned wood particles on the flue walls.
  • Chimney Liner
    Your flue liner should be properly fitted for your fireplace or fire appliance. In many older chimneys, clay tile liners were installed, and are now damaged or not appropriate for the fuel type that is used in the fireplace. The best liner available is a stainless steel one, appropriate for all fuel types, affordable, and long-lasting. Another option, and one available at Chief Chimney Services, is a relining with HeatShield® Cerfractory® Flue Sealant, which repairs and relines the flue from top to bottom at a low cost, transforming an old clay tile liner into a durable, long-lasting one, and safe for all fuel types.

Properly Maintained

Even a well-constructed chimney system can become deteriorated prematurely, when it isn’t properly maintained. The ideal chimney system is swept and inspected regularly. This is to identify any weaknesses or hazards. In addition, to maintain the highest level of safety and efficiency. When the chimney is inspected, all parts are assessed, and should be replaced if damaged.

  • Chimney Cap
    Prevents damage caused from water and animals.
  • Chimney Crown
    Protects against water from the flue liner to the outer edge of the chimney opening.
  • Flashing
    Protects the intersection of the chimney and roof, the weakest part of the chimney system, and most susceptible to water penetration.
  • Waterproofing
    An industrial sealant that prevents water from penetrating the masonry, while still allowing vapors to escape.

Proper Use

Your chimney system is designed for one fuel. Also, it should only be used appropriately. Wood-burning systems should burn only properly seasoned wood. Gas systems should only burn natural gas, and should be checked and connected by your gas company. Proper fire safety protocol should be remembered. Plus, municipal codes and manufacturers instructions should be followed at every turn.

The chimney is a large system with many parts. Having said that, when built properly, maintained properly, and used properly – it can be the perfect addition to your dream home!


By John Pilger on September 7th, 2017 | Tagged with: Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Elements Of A Perfect Chimney System

Chimney Damper Installation

Your chimney is made up of many parts. These parts need to function properly in order for the chimney to do its job correctly. What happens when the chimney doesn’t work properly? The efficiency drops, fuel and energy go to waste, and fire risk goes up. In addition, it will also require more maintenance than usual. One of these indispensable parts is the damper.All About Chimney Damper Installation - Suffolk NY - Chief Chimney

The Chimney Damper

During the cold months when a fire is burning in your fireplace, stove, or insert – the damper is very important! With it you can control the intensity of the flame and prevent smoke from filling your home. You should never close your damper completely when a fire is burning. This is because it closes the vent, letting hazardous gases into your home. It is also helpful during the off-season, keeping hot air from falling from the chimney into the house, or letting conditioned air leave through the chimney. A damper closed securely can save you in energy costs.

Common Damper Problems

Like every part of the chimney, even a good damper can go bad over time. There are many factors that can affect the damper. These include water leaks, soot, and creosote buildup. Also, natural occurrences like tornadoes, earthquakes, and fires can affect it too. Some older homes may have an outdated damper that is less efficient or worn out. Maybe your damper isn’t worn out, but it doesn’t fit securely enough to prevent a draft. What’s the only thing worse than burning too much electricity running an air conditioner? Running an air conditioner and still feeling a warm draft! You can prevent this occurrence by having a new damper installed.

Top-Sealing Dampers

Energy-top, or top-sealing dampers, take all of the benefits of a traditional damper, and improves upon them. This damper is installed at the top of the chimney, instead of the interior throat of the chimney, and functions as a cap as well as a damper. When the fire is burning, the damper stays open to vent the fire properly. The damper also keeps animals, debris, and weather out year-round. This is just like a cap, except the tight seal closes it completely when the fire is out. That means that you save on heating/cooling costs when your fireplace isn’t in use. You don’t have to buy a complicated chimney sealing kit or climb on the roof with a tarp. You simply pull the chain located next to your fireplace, and it closes securely.

What better way to protect your chimney than from the top down? With the energy-top dampers, you don’t have to worry about critters crawling into your flue. It also prevents humidity mingling with your chimney soot that can make it stink!

Homeowners love the benefits and the savings so much, that more and more are having their throat dampers replaced with these energy-top dampers. If you’re interested in one, now is the time to make the change. You can still save on energy this summer if you schedule your appointment now. Contact Chief Chimney Services and let’s talk chimney dampers. Call 631-863-2460 or make an appointment online!

By John Pilger on July 10th, 2017 | Tagged with: Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Chimney Damper Installation